Nadi Pariksha is the method of diagnosis of disease in the body by examining the pulse of the patient. It may correctly diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances in patient’s body. It enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not only address the sign and symptoms in the human body.
Nadi Parikshak understands the vibratory frequency of the pulse at various stages on the radial artery. The pulse examined by the Nadi Parikshak, who conclude this with both physical & mental symptoms and characteristics of the patient. This is interpreted in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis which helps a lot in the understanding the cause of diseases. Thus, Nadi Pariksha is an important ayurvedic tool for addressing any kind of ailment in a patient. Nadi Pariksha assists the patient to make necessary change in his/her life style for overcoming the disease.
Ayurveda is the ancient science which cure the diseases of human being in the natural way without mixing of any artificial things because our body is made of Tridosha and the Nadi Parikshan is the tool to know the imbalances of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body, in ayurveda there are the three pillars of the human body on which the human body is comprised of, any imbalance of these can disturbed the above said dosha. The principles of Ayurveda follow the natural way to diagnose the diseases and bring back balance to the body.
Pulse diagnosis was initially identified in the books of Sharangdhar Samhita in the 13th century and it highlights the correlation between Nadi and Tridosha. Later on, in the 16th century it was again mentioned in ‘Bhavprakash’ scripted by Bhav Mishrji. Nadi Pariksha gained its proper significance during the 17th century in Yogratnakar.
The patient’s hand should be free and slightly flexed at the forearm to get accurate analysis. Thereafter, Vaidya will gently touch with his/her 3 fingers of the right hand namely the index, middle and ring, the skin over the radial artery of patient. The index finger is comfortably placed nearest the thumb and the other two fingers are placed next to it.
It has been observed that it becomes much easier to evaluate a pulse of a person with three fingers than by one. It has been now converted into a rule that Vata is established by the tip of the index finger of right-hand, placed on the radial artery next to the root of the thumb of the right hand of the patient, pitta pulse studied by the touch of the tip of middle finger placed next to it and that the kapha pulse by touch of the tip of the ring finger placed next to the middle finger on the artery.
Ayurveda supports health without disturbing the natural elements of the body. Ayurvedic treatments and techniques have no side effects. As a result, people around the world are now turning towards this ancient science to help them restore and maintain optimal health.